Jean-Francois Romang wrote " I want to start something new. :-)"

do you mean an engine new to Go programming, or just something new to you?

if the latter, you could copy and paste a published algorithm or
recode alphago which is fully described by its Nature paper.  that
would be like reinventing the steam engine or colouring in a
paint-by-numbers picture; it will keep you busy and you would
doubtless learn a lot about programming in the process, but it won't
be anything new.

but if the former, you could consider starting to build a new kind of
engine that works using a truly new method, such as the one i have
described in earlier postings to this list, or (much easier) writing a
few lines of interface code to get NAO to play Go.

either way, i venture to suggest that a fine detail like a board
representation is just about the last thing you should worry about,
unless you plan to build your engine by a process of trial and error
without first thinking through how it's going to work.
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