Here's a suggestion.  I would like to hear what Urban, and others, think
about it.

I enter GnuGo in these events to keep the numbers even. The operators of
strong bots don't want to waste processor cycles proving that they can beat
GnuGo, but they prefer it to a bye.

Instead of my using GnuGo to make the numbers even, I could use Urban's
program. The downside for Urban is that he would have to get it connected
and running, with only a 50% chance that it will actually get any games.
The upside for him is that it will sometimes get experience against much
stronger players.  I assume that the operators of the strong programs don't
care whether they get to play against GnuGo or Urban's program.

By the way - I haven't yet received any entries for this Sunday's
tournament.  I hope my message reached the list.


On 4 May 2016 at 10:01, Urban Hafner <> wrote:

> I’m considering entering with my bot but it’s rather weak (a lot weaker
> than GnuGo on 19x19) so I don’t know if it makes sense. Unless of course
> other weaker bots were willing to enter as well. If no one is interested in
> this (or if it’s even discouraged by Nick) then I would refrain from
> entering tournaments that I have no chance in beating GnuGo.
> Urban
> On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 6:51 PM, Nick Wedd <> wrote:
>> The May KGS bot tournament will start on Sunday, May 8th at 16:00 UTC,
>> and finish by 22:00 UTC.  It will use 19x19 boards, with time limits of
>> 14 minutes each plus very fast Canadian overtime, and komi of 7.5. See
>> Please register by emailing me, with the words "KGS Tournament Registration"
>> in the email title, at .
>> Nick
>> --
>> Nick Wedd
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