Have you considered using either of the two high level Go AIs (mentioned on
this email group this last week) as your end-of-game live-group estimator
(and could even use their scoring mechanism, too)?

On Sun, Jun 12, 2016 at 8:02 AM, Henry Hemming <typo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Unfortunately I had to make some changes to
> http://goratingserver.appspot.com , which broke the bot interface
> (updates now come in via web sockets). However it should now be a lot
> easier to connect a bot to the server as I created a jar file and
> configuration ini file that connects a command line gtp bot to the server
> just like on KGS. The jar file and an example ini file (for gnu-go) as well
> as source code is available at https://github.com/typohh/GTPRest .
> Hopefully the site looks prettier and works more reliably now. Dead stone
> estimation should be much more accurate and only need cleanup in
> exceptional circumstances (fewer than than 1/200 games). I have no
> intention of putting up ads on the site and only plan to charge for custom
> names nothing else (to cover some of the server costs). Because of the
> changes in protocol the official launch of the website also got delayed, if
> however everything runs smoothly for a few more days I will run two day
> tournament for beta testers to stress test the site followed by a public
> tournament (basically whoever gets highest rating before deadline, and
> another category with additional minimum number of games played during the
> tournament time frame). Bots will be welcome to participate in the
> tournament, more on that later.
> Right now there are some human beta testers and 4 bots playing on the
> site. The bots are between 15kyu, and 2dan which should guarantee a pairing
> for any player within ~15 minutes at most.
> Once again any and all feedback much appreciated.
> -Henry Hemming
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