I was able to buy a copy of the brandnew book
"Invisible: The Games of AlphaGo", just yesterday
during the European Go Congress.

The book is paperback and has 272 pages. It was compiled, 
edited, and translated by the Finnish pro player Antti Toermaenen.
Published by Hebsacker Verlag, Hamburg.

I published the following review on Amazon:

The computer program AlphaGo has changed the world of Go within 
only 15 months. This book presents all games played by AlphaGo 
in public between March 2016 and May 2017, with commentary by 
several professional players: Mitani Tetsuya (7-dan), Shiung Feng 
(6-dan), Ohashi Hirofumi (6-dan), Murakami Akihide (3-dan), and 
Antti Toermaenen (1-dan). Antti Toermaenen has also done a superb 
job in collecting the material from his colleagues and bringing 
it in good shape.

One disclaimer: Do not mix this book up with the classic 
"Invincible - the games of Shusaku" !

The book is written in simple English. Each reader who is familiar 
with the game of Go, will understand enough to study this book with 
win. --- Das Buch ist in einfachem Englisch geschrieben. Jeder Leser, 
der mit dem Go-Spiel vertraut ist, wird dieses Buch mit Gewinn 
studieren können.

Highly recommended!


PS. I included the sentence in German, because the book was published
by a German company. I do not know if or when the book will be
included in Amazon's portfolio.
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