On 7/11/2017 19:08, Petr Baudis wrote:
> Hi!
> Does anyone knows why the AlphaGo team uses MSE on [-1,1] as the
> value output loss rather than binary crossentropy on [0,1]?  I'd say
> the latter is way more usual when training networks as typically
> binary crossentropy yields better result, so that's what I'm using
> in https://github.com/pasky/michi/tree/nnet for the time being, but
> maybe I'm missing some good reason to use MSE instead?

Not that I know of. You can certainly get some networks to converge
better by using cross-entropy over MSE.

Maybe it's related to the nature of the errors? More avoidance of the
output being entirely wrong? Or habit? MSE is generally preferred for
regression-like problems, but you can argue whether a go position is
being regressed to some winrate%, or to win/loss...

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