I was informed on the thread of the topic 9x9 go as Mangus had stated some good 
points that were similar to mine. Mine are based on my experience of 
correspondence go on OGS and GoQuest. 

I have been playing online go 2011 with Deep Scholar which originally was Fuego 
with large GoQuest opening database the current version uses 2013 CrazyStone 
with this same database, as I am more of a Centaur Chess player and not a 
programmer I am more used to this type of playing where a large database can 
make a difference with along side a decent Computer Program.

How I operate mine is evaluate each position with a value of 0 if it a draw 
position or give a equal score, then with black advantages it gets a positive 
score and white positions get negative score to distinguish the scores and as 
the position got deeper and gave a value of +4 for black but previous positon 
had +2 then I would go back and change it till a refute tells otherwise. 
Originally I would do the same of searching in which then decide a move after a 
while and record the scores to the database which is all stored on a Multigo 
single sgf file.

Currently Deep Scholar runs on GoQuest with rating of about 2550 Elo.

 It does well against programs like Aya about 90% win rate and some of the 
stronger 7-8 Dan players. Thankfully to Alderi the man behind the program 
MinusGo on OGS it has helped me realize how flawed the method that I was using 
for future growth of the database as mine. The database has some lines that can 
accurately play lines that are very deep about 40-50 moves and others may vary 
to about 10-20 moves. Now when a new position comes to play I search nearly 
even move in the next position as the MCTS tends to not see clearly enough now 
this doesn’t fix all just some of the short range issues, as Magnus had stated 
endgames, forcing moves, and ko fights tend to be problem that will take a 
while to deal with.

The current database version that I have built up over the years has 
dramatically changed thanks to the network programs such as MinusGo and MiniGo 
and open new scores of positions and help re-evaluate my position on 9x9 
perfect play time and time again as the database grows. Currently I consider 
that 7 komi looks to be the accurate compensation for the first move as 
currently I have found a refute to previous positions that I went thoroughly in 
my games that I have lost then I test the line if it stands true or not.

  I have done 9x9 computer go for quite a while now and 9x9 go is opening new 
horizons to how one should approach the game. It will be interesting to see 
what new development will become of the game for perfect play.

P.S- this is my first message on the mailing list so hopefully it comes out 
okay and thank you Magnus for bringing up the topic.

Kind Regards,
Kyle Biedermann


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