It strikes me that the extraction of the board position from an image is less well researched than scoring a known position? I have a colleague who is a computer vision expert (and a go player) who knocked up a program to record a game of go by observing the board. He found that the vision side of it was harder than he'd anticipated, despite the apparently constrained nature of the problem.

Hope the below are useful:



On 26/11/2010 18:43, Jim Babcock wrote:
I'm working on Go Scoring Camera, an Android cell phone app that will
photograph a board, do image processing to figure out where the stones
are, and score the game for you. For the scoring part, I need a liveness
evaluator; and since this is a previously solved problem, I figure it
would be best to take one off the shelf. So, I need a recommendation.

I need an evaluator that will take a final position and mark which groups
are live and which are dead.
   * Preferably in Java, but C or C++ would also work
   * If it's embedded in a larger context (such as an AI), it should be
     easy to separate.
   * The hardware budget is about five seconds of CPU time and 2MB of
   * It doesn't have to be perfectly accurate (the output will be inspected
     by a human), but higher accuracy is strongly preferred
Finally, I need the source code under a license such that I can
incorporate it into Go Scoring Camera, which will be payware, so no GPLed
programs unless the original author provides me with a separate license. I
am willing to pay for a license, if necessary.

If you know of or have written a position evaluator and you'd like me to
consider it, reply on this mailing list or email me directly. Please mention
what language it's written in, a brief summary of the algorithms it uses,
an estimate of its memory usage, and the license terms it's under.

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