On 12/31/2010 07:31 AM, Rémi Coulom wrote:

I'd like to advise against using the exact algorithm I described in
my 2006 paper. I compared it to UCT at that time, and UCT performed
better. I am sorry I don't have a reference to my data any more. I
posted the results to the mailing list. It used to be archived at
that link:
http://computer-go.org/pipermail/computer-go/2006-July/005737.html I
hope somebody kept an archive an can forward it to the list. The
title of that message was "Experiments with UCT". It is too bad that
the archive of that time is gone. Is it available anywhere? The
google archive starts later.

Here: http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.games.devel.go/6366

Archives and current messages for this list can be found at:


I don't like the web interface, however. It's very hard to browse
the threads for a particular month without a lot of clicking. The search
is OK, though.

What I do is use the traditional NTTP news interface to gmane.
Thunderbird (my newsreader) has an option to download all the messages, which is nice for browsing messages, both old and new.

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