On 01/02/2012 05:04 PM, Rémi Coulom wrote:

Improving the KGS rank at 5d is very difficult. The current
experimental version of Crazy Stone wins 78% against Crazy Stone
2011. That's less than one stone difference on KGS. But I am sure
both Zen and Crazy Stone will reach 6d in 2012.

There are two problems with the KGS rankings:

One, they are weighed down a lot by past games from weaker versions.

Two, you have to worry about people trying to game the system. I found strong evidence that one of the frequent CrazyStone players was losing games intentionally against a weaker bot, while at the same time winning frequently against CrazyStone.

I brought this up with an admin, and he said they were looking into it, but several days have gone by and the player was not deranked (which is the usual punishment for gaming the system, and would remove past games from the rank calculation).

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