Hello Josef,

> Yes, I should probably specify this on the webpage deeper.
> Basically, in case that someone submits a correction, I intend to use
> the pair (sgf collection, corrected style) to extend the training data
> for the methods to improve the methods.

> If he does not, the data will be probably deleted
I am not happy with the "probably".
> - anyway, even if it was not, any use would be fully automatic and no
> information about anyone in particular will be published.
> Does this suffice, or do you have something else in mind?
For me it would not be fine. But you try your way and see if you get
enough players involved.
What I have in mind are strong (or semi strong) players who would not like to
see characterizations of their styles floating in the web. The problem
is that it is not so difficult to find from sgf (by data base search)
the corresponding players.

One more proposal: Give on your wwebsite one example of an sgf collection
(maybe 40 games by Petr Baudis?!) and the output generated for it by your
Good luck for your interesting project,
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