Hello, all!..

In our current research, we are exploring a team of diverse Computer Go
players that vote together at each step of 9x9 games. We are using Fuego,
GnuGo, Pachi and MoGo. We show in our work that a diverse team of players
can play better than the best player, and also better than a team made of
copies of the best player (in some cases). The difference between the
diverse team and the uniform team is statistically significant, but not
that big in a practical sense. The diverse team can also play better than
the "locked" version of parallelized Fuego (but not the "lock-free" one).

If you are interested, please take a look in our papers!.. I will publish
at IJCAI 2013, the paper is available at
http://teamcore.usc.edu/papers/2013/ijcai13.pdf. There is also a similar
version that I published in the COIN workshop (one of the workshops at
AAMAS). It is a similar paper, but has a longer results section. The
workshop paper is available at
http://teamcore.usc.edu/people/sorianom/coin2013.pdf. Comments are very
welcome!.. :) (The online appendix for the IJCAI paper is not available

I presented a demo at AAMAS 2013, the video is available at
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PswMwnkpsWA. The software is not available
yet for public download, I still have to fix some details for it to run in
any computer, but you can contact me if you are interested.

Darren Cook, sorry I didn't cite your paper (A Human-Computer Team
Experiment for 9x9 Go) in the end... :( It was in my original draft, but
then the paper got rejected and the reviewers complained that my related
work session was too confusing. As we decided to focus the paper as a
contribution to "team formation" rather than a contribution to "computer
go", we had to remove some of the references and focus more on papers that
would be related to "team formation", "voting", etc... I am sorry about
that. I tried to cite your paper again in a submission to the workshop in
Computer Games at IJCAI, but then it got rejected again.....

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