Thanks for setting up the server. I wonder if it should work already?

I downloaded the client from your server, just in case it has changed,
but had the same result with the old clients....

If I start my client with the domain changed to it
seems to connect correctly but after some minutes gives:

detlef@debian-i7-2600:~/CGOS$ ./cgosGtp.tcl -k stop -c gnugo.cfg 

  Port: 6867

PLAYER              PRIORITY
------------------  --------
GnuGo-configtest      100.0%

18:20:27    Successful connection to CGOS server

  Port: 6867

PLAYER              PRIORITY
------------------  --------
GnuGo-configtest      100.0%

New player: GnuGo-configtest

18:20:27    C->E list_commands
18:20:27    E->C aa_confirm_safety
18:20:27    E->C accurate_approxlib
18:20:27    E->C accuratelib
18:20:27    E->C advance_random_seed
18:20:27    E->C all_legal
18:20:27    E->C all_move_values
18:20:27    E->C analyze_eyegraph
18:20:27    E->C analyze_semeai
18:20:27    E->C analyze_semeai_after_move
18:20:27    E->C attack
18:20:27    E->C attack_either
18:20:27    E->C black
18:20:27    E->C block_off
18:20:27    E->C boardsize
18:20:27    E->C break_in
18:20:27    E->C captures
18:20:27    E->C clear_board
18:20:27    E->C clear_cache
18:20:27    E->C color
18:20:27    E->C combination_attack
18:20:27    E->C combination_defend
18:20:27    E->C connect
18:20:27    E->C countlib
18:20:27    E->C cputime
18:20:27    E->C decrease_depths
18:20:27    E->C defend
18:20:27    E->C defend_both
18:20:27    E->C disconnect
18:20:27    E->C does_attack
18:20:27    E->C does_defend
18:20:27    E->C does_surround
18:20:27    E->C dragon_data
18:20:27    E->C dragon_status
18:20:27    E->C dragon_stones
18:20:27    E->C draw_search_area
18:20:27    E->C dump_stack
18:20:27    E->C echo
18:20:27    E->C echo_err
18:20:27    E->C estimate_score
18:20:27    E->C eval_eye
18:20:27    E->C experimental_score
18:20:27    E->C eye_data
18:20:27    E->C final_score
18:20:27    E->C final_status
18:20:27    E->C final_status_list
18:20:27    E->C findlib
18:20:27    E->C finish_sgftrace
18:20:27    E->C fixed_handicap
18:20:27    E->C followup_influence
18:20:27    E->C genmove
18:20:27    E->C genmove_black
18:20:27    E->C genmove_white
18:20:27    E->C get_connection_node_counter
18:20:27    E->C get_handicap
18:20:27    E->C get_komi
18:20:27    E->C get_life_node_counter
18:20:27    E->C get_owl_node_counter
18:20:27    E->C get_random_seed
18:20:27    E->C get_reading_node_counter
18:20:27    E->C get_trymove_counter
18:20:27    E->C gg-undo
18:20:27    E->C gg_genmove
18:20:27    E->C half_eye_data
18:20:27    E->C help
18:20:27    E->C increase_depths
18:20:27    E->C initial_influence
18:20:27    E->C invariant_hash_for_moves
18:20:27    E->C invariant_hash
18:20:27    E->C is_legal
18:20:27    E->C is_surrounded
18:20:27    E->C kgs-genmove_cleanup
18:20:27    E->C known_command
18:20:27    E->C komi
18:20:27    E->C ladder_attack
18:20:27    E->C last_move
18:20:27    E->C level
18:20:27    E->C limit_search
18:20:27    E->C list_commands
18:20:27    E->C list_stones
18:20:27    E->C loadsgf
18:20:27    E->C move_influence
18:20:27    E->C move_probabilities
18:20:27    E->C move_reasons
18:20:27    E->C move_uncertainty
18:20:27    E->C move_history
18:20:27    E->C name
18:20:27    E->C new_score
18:20:27    E->C orientation
18:20:27    E->C owl_attack
18:20:27    E->C owl_connection_defends
18:20:27    E->C owl_defend
18:20:27    E->C owl_does_attack
18:20:27    E->C owl_does_defend
18:20:27    E->C owl_substantial
18:20:27    E->C owl_threaten_attack
18:20:27    E->C owl_threaten_defense
18:20:27    E->C place_free_handicap
18:20:27    E->C play
18:20:27    E->C popgo
18:20:27    E->C printsgf
18:20:27    E->C protocol_version
18:20:27    E->C query_boardsize
18:20:27    E->C query_orientation
18:20:27    E->C quit
18:20:27    E->C reg_genmove
18:20:27    E->C report_uncertainty
18:20:27    E->C reset_connection_node_counter
18:20:27    E->C reset_life_node_counter
18:20:27    E->C reset_owl_node_counter
18:20:27    E->C reset_reading_node_counter
18:20:27    E->C reset_search_mask
18:20:27    E->C reset_trymove_counter
18:20:27    E->C restricted_genmove
18:20:27    E->C same_dragon
18:20:27    E->C set_free_handicap
18:20:27    E->C set_random_seed
18:20:27    E->C set_search_diamond
18:20:27    E->C set_search_limit
18:20:27    E->C showboard
18:20:27    E->C start_sgftrace
18:20:27    E->C surround_map
18:20:27    E->C tactical_analyze_semeai
18:20:27    E->C test_eyeshape
18:20:27    E->C time_left
18:20:27    E->C time_settings
18:20:27    E->C top_moves
18:20:27    E->C top_moves_black
18:20:27    E->C top_moves_white
18:20:27    E->C tryko
18:20:27    E->C trymove
18:20:27    E->C tune_move_ordering
18:20:27    E->C unconditional_status
18:20:27    E->C undo
18:20:27    E->C version
18:20:27    E->C white
18:20:27    E->C worm_cutstone
18:20:27    E->C worm_data
18:20:27    E->C worm_stones
18:20:27    E->C 
18:20:27    recieved full response to list_commands
18:20:27    Engine uses  time control commands
18:25:29    Irrecgular response from server. Breaking connection.
18:25:29    C->S quit
18:25:30    Successful connection to CGOS server
18:30:35    Irrecgular response from server. Breaking connection.
18:30:35    C->S quit
18:30:36    Successful connection to CGOS server

Am Montag, den 14.10.2013, 10:28 -0400 schrieb Joshua Shriver:
> No just need to login with a username and password of your choosing
> (it'll error if the name is already in use). After the first time
> logging in it'll save that account information.
> -Josh
> On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 9:28 AM, Ben Ellis <> wrote:
> > Is any registration required to play on CGOS servers?
> >
> >
> > On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 4:51 AM, Joshua Shriver <> wrote:
> >>
> >> Greetings Everyone!
> >>
> >>       Don Dailey, as much as I honor him, handed the reigns of cgos
> >> over to me.  I will to my best, and hope to be as good as him.
> >>
> >> The 9x9 server on "my end" has been running smoothlty... I didnt want
> >> to make an official "switcher" thread yet till I full tested all ..
> >> (13x13 and 19x19). So far I have the "engine pack" another member
> >> recommended burning CPUS on my cluster to test it.
> >>
> >>
> >> So for right now... the boardspace cgos is still active.   Wanted to
> >> let you know I will be migrating it to my own server, once I deem it
> >> 100% pure and no issues.
> >>
> >> I even created a new domain name. As some might know, I'm coming from
> >> a chess background and all my work so far has been on the
> >> domain. Even the pre-release was
> >>
> >>
> >> However for long term growth and seperation. I registered
> >>
> >> While I admire and respect this mailing list, one thing I've LOVED
> >> over the years is a solid forum.  Main reason I registered that domain
> >> so I can creat a 'talkchess" like version but for Go.
> >>
> >> I do not have it setup yet, and  no moderators planned.
> >>
> >> Figure the first  year is gonna be rough on my since I'll have to do
> >> it all.. but hope the community will follow, and perhaps in years to
> >> come moderations and followers will step  up and I can be more of a
> >> host :).
> >>
> >>
> >> Anyway, the server is running. The domain is set. for
> >> the forum "to be" and  ... or
> >> "both resolve to the same server". But for
> >> namesake.. prefer ppl go to to keep things seperate.
> >>
> >>
> >> If you have any questions, concerns, desires, wishes. Please let me
> >> know. I'm really at the beginning of this, and knew to Tcl, so
> >> "updates" might be delayed... my main goal right now is to migrate and
> >> keep the status quo. Then update later.
> >>
> >> -Joshua Shriver
> >>
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> Computer-go mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Computer-go mailing list
> >
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Computer-go mailing list

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