Hmm.. maybe it should be "never fill own sure territory in the playouts,
except to defend a threat or reply to opponent's move inside the
territory". This is a hard problem because it involves wasting no move or
cancelling out both side's moves correctly in the playouts.


2014-03-16 8:28 GMT+00:00 Aja Huang <>:

> Hi Hiroshi,
> Maybe it's worth trying "never fill own sure territory in the playouts
> except replying to opponent's move". That is to say, after certain number
> (say 64) of playouts if the territory belongs to one side exclusively (say
> 99% of the playouts) then from the next playout don't fill the territory in
> the playouts actively, unless the opponent plays inside the territory
> first.
> Aja
> 2014-03-16 1:25 GMT+00:00 Hiroshi Yamashita <>:
> Hi,
>> Recently I have tried to use Japanese rule without one point safe margin.
>> I use Erik and Aja's method. It works pretty well, but this position is
>> still diffcult.
>> 9....X.O..
>> 8....X.O..
>> 7....X.O..   Black("X") to play
>> 6...XXOO..   komi is 6.5
>> 5...X.O...
>> 4...X.O...
>> 3...X.O...
>> 2...X.O...
>> 1...X.O...
>> (;GM[1]SZ[9]RE[B+0.5]KM[6.5]RU[Japanese]
>> ;B[di];W[fi];B[dh];W[fh];B[dg];W[fg];B[df];W[ff];B[de];W[fe]
>> ;B[dd];W[fd];B[ed];W[gd];B[ec];W[gc];B[eb];W[gb];B[ea];W[ga])
>> Best move is PASS or filling share liberties(F9,F8,F7,E5,E4,E3,E2,E1).
>> Aya can play it, but its winrate is around 0.50, far from understanding
>> this position is easy win for B.
>> Tentyo no Igo(commercial version of Zen) also returns around 0.50.
>> Is there good method that can return over 0.80 winrate?
>> I feel "Do playout and modify score by number of pass" is hard for B +0.5
>> win position. Because B has more territory about 7 pt, and W has bigger
>> chance to pass in playout. As a result, B winrate is lower than 0.50.
>> My code is like this.
>> if ( last_two_move_is_pass_in_tree ) {  // confirmation phase
>>  pass_w_playout = pass_b_playout = 0;
>>  playout_length = 0;
>> }
>> game_length = record_length + tree_legth + playout_legnth;
>> pass_w = pass_w_record + pass_w_tree + pass_w_playout;
>> pass_b = pass_b_record + pass_b_tree + pass_b_playout;
>> Margin = 0;
>> if ( (game_length&1) ) {
>>  if ( first_player_is_white ) Margin = -1;
>>  else                         Margin = +1;
>> }
>> minus = (Margin + pass_w - pass_b);
>> japanese_score = chinese_score - minus;
>> double final_score = japanese_score - komi - handicaps;
>> Without confirmation phase, winrate drops from 0.50 to 0.45.
>> Aya does not grow tree after consecutive pass in tree. Maybe I need to
>> grow?
>> But to do that, I need to have two root positions that have same hash
>> value,
>> one is root, and the other is after onconsecutive pass.
>> Steenvreter's solution
>> Erica's solution
>> Many Faces' solution
>> Useful link by Fuego team
>> Regards,
>> Hiroshi Yamashita
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