On 23/05/2014 18:52, Nick Wedd wrote:
The June KGS bot tournament will be held on Sunday June 1st,
starting at 08:00 UTC and ending at 14:00 UTC.  It will use
9x9 boards, with time limits of 4 minutes each plus very
fast Canadian overtime of 10 moves in 30 seconds, and komi
of 7.  There are details at
      http://www.gokgs.com/tournInfo.jsp?id=888 .
Maybe that number will encourage Chinese entrants?

Note that the integer komi allows jigo as a result.

Please register by emailing me, with the words
"KGS Tournament Registration" in the email title, at
mapr...@gmail.com .


Nick Wedd
Computer-go mailing list

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