Have only done very sporadic and partial data back ups in past, but after 
hearing yesterday's CG's show (mention of cost of data recovery!) and seeming 
increasing problems with computer's performance, decided it's high time (past 
time) to start backing up all those precious files regularly.  However, not 
sure which of the options in the back up utility that came with computer to 
use.  Tempted to use option to back everything on computer up for 
comprehensiveness and simplicity, but wonder if this might mean backing up some 
bad and nasty things which might harm the back up disk (plan to burn onto 
rewritable DVD, as don't have any other good back up options that I'm aware 
of).  I definitely want to back up email as well, unless I can export it all to 
some other secure venue.  There is an option to customize back up in order to 
select what to back up.  I could do that if I knew I was going to back up 
everything important and it also might be nice not to back up a lot of 
unnecessary, space consuming files. 

Any suggestions?  Should I just use the back up everything option?



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