>The OP needs to run Windows, so let's help him to do it.  Not slam an
>OS because it's not the one we use.  I have said this before and I will
>say it again, just to remind you, I don't give a rat's ass about which OS
>I'm running as long as it does the job for the application.

The poster is a Mac user about to experience a very different computing 
environment. Every time I see this happen the result is a very distressed 
computer user. My experience is that the best way to ease the pain is to 
tell them about the birds and the bees right away.

Your attack is unwarrented and impolite.

As to not caring about what OS others may be running, that is foolish 
because running a defective, insecure OS degrades the computing 
environment for everyone. If your neighbor is running a crack house 
everyone should make it their business to do something about it, it is 
not their "property right" to do so.

I refer you to this post from a month ago:

>Subject:     [CGUYS] Link Time: Vista's problems
>Sent:        3/23/07 5:43 AM
>From:        Snyder, Mark, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>The Inquirer posted "The problems with Vista laid bare...

This story is long, specific, and detailed. Not spouting ideology.

"There's no way around it. Windows is a security nightmare. The reason we 
all get thousands of spams, the reason that we have to run virus and 
anti-spyware checkers that slow our high-power electricity-guzzling 
scalding-hot PCs down to the speed of the ones they replaced, the reason 
that the whole Internet is bogged down with sending all those spams, the 
reason that criminals hold websites to ransom for millions of dollars a 
year: it is all Windows' fault."

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