This reminds me of when I set up my mom (who was in her mid 80s at the time) with a new eMac. I gave her a user account (I kept administrator privileges for myself) and told her that she couldn't break it. Within a week she called me to say "I killed it!" All she did was shut it down. I explained to her where the power button was and she had it up and running in no time.

That's odd, is this common?

I gave my Mom (79) a new E6600 PC (my build) last Christmas.  I
also kept admin privileges.  She called me and said it didn't work
anymore.  I asked if the power light was lit on the computer.

Yes, she verified that.  Then I asked if the power light was lit on
the monitor.  What had happened was that my brother had switched
the monitor off.  I explained where the monitor power switch (a black
switch on a black fascia, not obvious, VP930b) was located.

No problems after that, except that my brother pulled out the old
Gateway that I had networked to the E6600 to act as a printer
and removable drive server.  Why he did that I'll never know, I
had to kill him.

Now I'll have to do a road trip to get the printer up and running.


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