I'd like to get the sound from an audio cassette tape into my computer, preferably into an MP3 file.

You should be able to do this with what you have.

I have a stereo cassette deck, and a cable that goes from the audio out (red and white connectors) on the tape player to the "line in" on the computer sound card.

Good so far.

When you hear the sound on the headphones, are the 'phones
plugged into the computer or the deck?

In all probability your sound card has an input volume level control,
in software, is this set as appropriate?

If JetAudio has level meters (I've only used Audacity) do they show

Basically what you are doing is using the analog to digital (ADC)
converter of your sound card to digitize the tape.  The software
format is specified by the JetAudio program.  You should end up
with a file in a format that you name or specify to be saved to a
location of your choice.

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