That could have easily happened sometime after taking out the old hard
drive that was C:.  I have seen it over and over with Windows.

Right.  You can (in XP) "shuffle the deck" with volume letters using
the Disk Management utility, BUT NOT THE SYSTEM VOLUME.

At least not without pulling all the drives and reinstalling the OS to
the base system volume, i. e. HD0:.  This is covered here:;en-us;307844&sd=tech#3

Hence your E: drive is now the system volume, which in actual use
is only a problem if the software wants to see C: as the system volume.

Probably better to bite the bullet and reinstall the OS, if possible,
on the computer.  Even with the removable and optical hooked up
this should work, you'll end up with C: as HD0:, the hard drive,
probably D: as the optical and E: as the Zip.

My machine has C: as the RAID array, D: as the DVD burner, E: as
the spare DVD player, and F: as the big music (data) HD1:.

The order in which I installed them.

Good luck.

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