On 5/22/07, Michael Fernando <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Would something like the following work?
>> Specify drive 1 (via the BIOS) as the boot drive, have the MBR created
>> there and set up GRUB to boot Ubuntu off drive 1 and Windows off drive
>> 0.  If drive 0 is respecified as the boot drive, then it just boots
>> Windows.
>So you have Windows on HD0 and Linux on HD1, and you change the boot
>disk in the BIOS every time you want to run the other OS.  I would find
>this annoying, but, yeah, it might work.
>The most likely reason I can think of for this not to work is that
>> Windows may not like being booted this way.
>As long as you don't move the HD with the original Windows installation,
>it shouldn't complain.
>Any chance of success?

I have no intention of changing the boot disk in the BIOS every time I
want to switch OS.

The idea is to make the new drive (hd1) the boot disk, and have GRUB
set up (on that disk) to load Windows from its current home on hd0. 
The idea was that if hd1 were to fail, Windows would still work if the
boot disk were to be switched back to hd0.  But I'm not planning for
either drive to fail.  Likewise, if hd0 were to fail, it should be easy
to recover (although I'm not certain what steps would be required, but
since we would then be dealing with Linux, I'm assuming more options
would exist).

Vicky, does this change your answer now that I have clarified my proposal?

BTW, I am not a complete newbie.  I have prior experience setting up
dual boot configurations combining Windows and Linux on the same
system, but always by partitioning a single hard drive.  I have used
both Partition Magic and Disk Druid (or whatever the Mandrake
equivalent was called) for partitioning, and I have used both GRUB and
Boot Magic as a boot manager.


--John Emmerling

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