On Sun, 27 May 2007, I wrote:
> I just looked at the bootpart page.  The author says that the first
> active partition on hd0 must be a FAT16 partition.  This would require
> me to repartition drive 0.  The only tool I trust to repartition
> Windows partitions (this is from experience) is PartitionMagic.  I 
> have a copy of PartitionMagic 8.0, but I can't determine whether it 
> is licensed for this computer or my previous one (from more than 3 
> years ago).

> I think I will install Ubuntu on drive 1 in such a way that it can 
> only boot from drive 1 (or by using a floppy), and do further 
> research on ways to configure a dual boot.  I may re-install Ubuntu 
> more than once before committing to too much customization (it might
> be good to experience the installation process first-hand before 
> making final decisions).

> Further suggestions still welcome...

After further research, I have decided to go forward with the method
described here:


(after backing up everything I can think of to back up at the moment).

This method does not seem guaranteed to work, however the risk factor
seems low indeed.

--John Emmerling

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