Some time ago I bought a 2GB USB memory stick /thumb drive / flash drive from 
Micro Center, and it was a plain 2GB flash memory drive that just worked.  Just 
what I wanted.

Today I bought another one.  The case is a different color and slightly 
different configuration -- not a problem.  The device has "U3" pre-installed on 
it -- i.e., it has an autorun.inf file and a LaunchU3.exe file that is called 
and presumably installs drivers and such on my computer from files in a file on the flash drive.  I don't want the U3, but I don't seem 
to be able to just erase it.  The device mounts as a 4 MB (MB, yes, not GB) 
"CDFS" which presumably means "compact disc file system" which is read-only. It 
mouts this way even though I "disabled" autorun.inf by holding down the shift 
key while the drive mounted.  If I launch disk manager, the device shows up as 
a 4MB CD drive (CD drive #3, after the two "conventional" CD/DVD-RW drives that 
I have attached to the second IDE cable), and no format facility of the Win2K 
diskmanager will recognize the 2GB capacity and format it as a simple drive.

The device has the Micro Center "house" label.

Is anyone aware of a software utility that will reformat the device as a simple 
FAT-32 flash memory drive?  I not only don't care for the U3 "features," I 
don't want to load up my system with any more drivers.

Many thanks,

Fred Holmes

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