I can recognize it easily.  I won't however, pay for the Jobs Retirement
Portfolio price premium to own it.  Not all of us need to *buy* cool and the
smarter ones realize that being an early adopter is rarely a net positive.

I paid half that, and without a 2-year contract, for a handhled navigation
unit.  That will be far more beneficial to me and I waited for the early
adopters to pay for the R&D costs.  What will I be missing in my life by not
having an iPhone?  Seriously.

The only people that I heard calling Zune an iPod killer were MS marketing
trolls.  You believed them?  

> -----Original Message-----
> On the other hand, why are some people so unable to recognize something
> that is truly innovative and wonderful when it comes along? I guess
> these
> are the same people who were telling us that the Zune was an "iPod
> killer."
> My 1st gen iPod cost $500. I still use it today and it is still as
> wonderful as it was on day one. Up to now I saw no need to replace it.
> Now that I have seen the iPhone I finally see something that is an iPod
> killer. The only thing wrong with the new deal is shelling out
> $1200/year
> to Cingular/ATT for a service contract. However I'm seeing predictions
> of
> a new line of iPods based on the iPhone design. That will get me to
> part
> with $500.

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