FYI i did get the form in firefox on a mac.

On 7/13/07, John Duncan Yoyo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It returns a form to fill out with your address.  It requires a
complete address, town and zip.

On 7/13/07, Fred Holmes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Would someone please try the following URL
> filling out the form and pressing "lookup"?
> On a Win2k machine, with MSIE6, SP1, I get "HTTP 500 - Internal server error".
> With Firefox, I get a page that just says "Form Processed" in the upper left 
corner, and provides no other text/information.  The return page also gives me the warning 
that I am about to submit information over an unencrypted link, as if I were submitting the 
original page.
> While I've tried it on two different machines here, I'm still concerned that 
it might be due to something in my setup, rather than the web page itself.  I do 
have scripts turned on (and even turning on pop-ups doesn't fix things).
> Thanks,
> Fred Holmes
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John Duncan Yoyo

John Duncan Yoyo

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