Have been off the list for an extended period and have just returned and
would like some insider advice. I know that reams have been written about
Vista vs. XP but wondered if some of the regulars here had a CONCISE
recommendation to make re: why (or why not) I should upgrade from XP Media
Center to Vista.


I have traditionally been an early adopter when a new version of Windows
comes out, but not this time. I want to get past the hype and marketing and
learn if there are some really salient reasons why an upgrade may benefit an
average (but reasonably computer savvy) user. Or should I still sit on the
sidelines and be happy with XP MC.


And please, I recognize that there are many out there who will want to tell
me what an idiot I am for using Windows vs. Mac OS X in the first place. I
recognize those opinions, but all such Windows bashers need not apply on
this occasion.


Many thanks,



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