I have a Dell XPS desktop PC that is about 4 or 5 years old. I believe in keeping the computer running all the time (because this household computer has multiple user profiles, is used frequently, and takes about 10 minutes to boot up in Windows XP Home).

Lately, a fan is making some noise. Not a screeching or scraping noise, just an ordinary fan noise that gets louder and softer at random over a cycle of about 3 -- 5 minutes. (When the computer is used with nearly 100% CPU the fan noise understandably increases, but the noise will increase for a minute or two when there is is little CPU activity and then decrease.) I don't know if the noise originates from the CPU fan or the power supply fan.

Should I be worried?
Using Lavalys Everest, the following is measured during low fan activity:

CPU fan:  1162 RPM
Chassis fan:  1756 RPM

Higher activity:
CPU fan:  1464 RPM
Chassis fan:  2129 RPM

Temperature (lower activity):
Motherboard:  39 C.
CPU:  48 C.

Temperature (higher activity):
Motherboard:  40 C.
CPU:  60 C.

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