See my 12:29 post earlier in the day. The issue is homework. The sex is inevitable and will take care of itself. College entry is not inevitable. I'd like the option of blocking RuneScape and the like until the homework is done.

Why not block access completely until homework is done, and put the computer in a location where you can see it, especially if online "research" is necessary. Give him his own ID and you keep the password. No homework, no password.

When my son was in high school, taking a programming course, I locked him out almost entirely. The only thing he saw when he logged in was his compiler. I told him that when he wrote a program to bypass it, he'd have full access. Took about 2 weeks. Then he was back online, but with OUR restrictions.

Kids need to learn that self-control is more effective in the long run than policing.

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