what your problem with godaddy?  if you can't figure out how to get them to 
take your money, what is your problem?  If you can't get there in 30 min, have 
your kid do it.  you say they are bad, but what is wrong with them? 

At 08:15 PM 10/6/2007, you wrote:
>Well, was up more than half the night trying to negotiate GoDaddy, for getting 
>first Domain and also website, wordtracker sites for websites, and finally, 
>fiddling with trying to print out business cards on old HP LaserJet printer 
>(bought in 94, still kicking!).  Why would a sane person do all this?  Well, 
>in order to have business cards to take for networking purposes to the 
>Greenfestival in D.C. today and tomorrow.  And, of course, if one is going to 
>update business cards (old ones are so old they don't even have email address) 
>then, of course, one would like to have their blog and website on them, which, 
>of course, means first getting the blog up (sort of did that a few days ago) 
>and a website up and domain name registered, right?  And, of course, having 
>learned, from recent seminars on websites &  business (including one at CPUG 
>meeting a month ago) about the importance of "key words," certainly have to 
>fool around with these key word sites, right?  
>And, just when you think you've figured out a solution for how to get some 
>business cards together on very short notice (without spending much moola) by 
>learning how to print them yourself, of course the printer or something or 
>many things involved decide not to cooperate, and even play a bad joke, by 
>making it almost appear at one point that its actually working.  But, alas, on 
>more careful inspection, the wording on the cards is all off, enough to ruin 
>the whole deal, like having your phone number show up on another card.  
>Curiously, does work with plain paper or printing one card at time, but 
>printing 10 at a time on the cardstock just leads to these fatal 
>So, this far in to my sad tale (or rant, take your pick), here's maybe my main 
>question:  Any ideas WHY the printer gods are punishing me thus, however 
>subtly?  Could it be an outdated printer driver?  Tried to update it, at the 
>end of all of this, but can't even tell if this actually occurred.
>But I digress from the kicker to this tale of self-inflicted woe....As a 
>result of being up half the night fiddling with all of this and a good part of 
>the remainder of the night just not being able to sleep (so what the hell, get 
>up at 5, after maybe 2 hrs sleep, and fiddle some more, right?!), I ended up 
>blowing off the Greenfestival entirely, which was the very impetus for all 
>this last minute urgency and scrambling!  So much for the best laid plans of a 
>misguided man!  But, as they say, there's always tomorrow, and maybe by then 
>I'll have a card or two, say, to hand to Ralph Nader after his closing talk.  
>And at least I like irony.
>Where's Nader been, anyway, when it comes to all the problems with high tech 
>so many of us seem to be increasingly having (not even counting this 
>experience as part of that)?  Maybe he'll surprise and announce that he's 
>joining the fray we call Presidential elections.  At least it would add some 
>real entertainment, to go along with a weekend full of green.  In fact, Nader 
>once ran as a "Green," now he's speaking to the Greenies; no doubt about the 
>problems caused by all those who are consumed by "green" of another sort.  
>And, while being "green" when it comes to things like computers and printing 
>cards or creating websites is not generally a desirable thing to be, when it 
>comes to becoming the world's most consequential person, being "green" doesn't 
>seem to be all that bad a thing; maybe even a good thing, actually, by some 
>accounts.  But, of course, "green" or not, anyone wanting to seriously play 
>the Presidential game sure needs a lot of the green stuff.  Agreed?
> There will be, as they say, a "second chance" tomorrow - so long as I don't 
> repeat the whole thing tonight, toiling into the wee hours again, trying to 
> print cards that line up right, figure out how to do this or that in setting 
> up a website, figuring out what happened to GoDaddy's wonderful-sounding 
> promises of free blogging, etc.  
>So going to have to do the hardest thing of all related to computers (at least 
>for me) - turn the damn thing off and keep it off at some reasonable hour!! :) 
> Why, oh why, can't someone invent a timed lock for a computer, like a bank 
>lock, or a lock which someone at a remote location has control over?  We don't 
>ask alcoholics to hang around in bars for hours a day, then also be their own 
>bartenders or bouncers, do we?!
>As far as "Go Daddy," so far my experience with them has been more like,  "Yo, 
>Your Mamma!"  Hopefully, this will just be a bad, passing first impression 
>someday.  You go, daddy; I'm either going to sleep or going to go bananas.  
>Now maybe if I can crash as easily tonight as many computers seem so able to 
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