On 10/12/07, rlsimon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Not being expert, I do recall having had some time back an app that would
> change the time/date stamp of any file/folder and I assume that would
> include emails.  When such an app does so, would it not be wise to design
> such files/folders/emails such that editing of the headers leaves an
> invisible trace that logs the change discoverable by law enforcement and
> others interested in thwarting miscreants?  Or, is such a thing already
> present??

Why would you use software to do something while also ensuring that an
expert would be able to undo it?

Don't bother in the first place, then.  I don't see the point.

Or are you saying you think the OS should allow this, just track it
invisibly?  Again, what is the point?  Allow it or don't, unless you want to
trap someone.  "Ha ha, we tricked you, you thought the date was really
changed."  ?!?

While we are at it, shouldn't guns send off little messages with GPS
locations and time stamps, with fingerprints collected off the handle, to
law enforcement, every time someone fires a gun?

 (Sorry for the sarcasm, just got my goat.)
John DeCarlo, My Views Are My Own

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