A UPS will also get unstable and noisy if the voltage goes up.  appliances and 
electronics will be unhappy also.  get a line meter from radio shack(i am not a 
part of radio shack).  

If the meter is bouncing up, and up a lot, call the power company, and tell 
they you have lost your neutral.  very big, and very dangerous problem.  keep 
punching buttons at power company till you get a human.  they should have 
people out within a couple of hours.

the way AC works is it is pushed on one wire and pulled on the other.  each run 
between +/-110 and ground.  if the neutral goes, that is one of the two wires, 
and the circuit is run between one of the power wires, and the ground(water 
pipe)  it is not a great conductor, so the +110 push can get up to 2-300 volts. 
 it kills electrics, and it kills people.

yes, we lost ours.  I got through at 7pm.  pepco showed up at 9 pm with a crew 
of 6-10, 2 backhoes, etc.etc.  they stayed for 3 days, destroyed the front lawn 
and driveway.  they pay for all killed equipment.

>Any help / advice / would be appreciated.
>Mical Wilmoth Carton

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