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------ Forwarded Message
From: Constance Warner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2007 15:13:15 -0400
Subject: iListen: OK or not OK?

Has anybody out there tried iListen, or have any of your friends used
it? What did you/they think?


iListen is voice-recognition software for the Mac.  You talk, it types,
with 90-some percent accuracy.  It's supposed to be a great advance in
voice-recognition technology for the Mac.


Why am I interested?   Voice-recognition software is cool; it can shave
hours or days off the time required to finish a project.  I use Dragon
Naturally Speaking on my dual-boot Mac right now, and it's FABULOUS. But
you can't really move a text file (Microsoft Word) back onto the PC side
of the computer (and back into Dragon) to continue working on it, once
it's been on the Mac side. (The typeface turns into an unreadable mess
if you do.)


 So iListen might be convenient, in a belt-and-suspenders kind of way;
but it's not free ($120 is the lowest readily available price), and you
can't get a demo version.  Does anybody out there know if iListen is
worth the price?


 --Constance Warner


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