I have a perfectly good fax modem that connects to a serial port, and no reason 
for buying a new one.  The new computer doesn't have a built-in modem.  I could 
connect the serial modem with a USB to serial adapter, but that's a nuisance.  
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.  For me, the cost saving of doing without 
serial, parallel, floppy is insignificant.  Every once in a while there is 
something I need on an old floppy that hasn't been moved to newer media yet. . 
. .  And, oh yes, I have a perfectly good printer that works off a parallel 
port.  Its PostScript interpreter is a lot better than the one that comes with 
my newer printer.

Fred Holmes

At 09:01 AM 11/8/2007, Tom Piwowar wrote:
>Right now I'm trying to convince our dear retro members to stop using 
>serial ports and floppies. I expect my next crusade will concern parallel 
>ports. I think it will be a long time before I get around to stock tips.

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