My new business program wants to see the old version before I load it.  I could 
just buy the new full version.  only about 12-15K.  the old verson is on 
floppy.  7" floppy, or whatever the size of that big one was.  I have a drive 
that I plug into the machine.  I have not done it for a while, so am not 
certain the bios will see the floppy if I have to transfer the thing by 

I need foxpro.  the version I have is on a floppy.  it does not transfer and 
load with a dvd.

my payroll program wants to see the old payroll program to ug.  old is on a 

one of my scanners runs on an oddball extra slow scsi.  funny plug.  I move the 
card.  the scanner is a 12 x 18 heidelberg that does about a zillion dpi.  
takes forever.  the program that runs it came as a box of floppies.  large box 
at that.

western electric and bell ran the NYC telephone system on pre war carbon 
switches in the mid 50's when I worked for them.......Pre WWI  !!!.  

I think the FAA and the FBI are running on mainframes that are 20 or so years 
old, and use tape backups from the same era.

the DoD refused for years to use laser printing.

lots of flash drives do not survive the day.  would rather use something that I 
thought was reliable.

for play at home it's one thing to use the latest tecnology.  for real business 
apps, nice to have something with a track history so when the irs comes 
knocking, they do not want to her woops, it worked yesterday.

At 03:23 PM 11/8/2007, you wrote:
>        I don't understand why anyone would need a floppy drive now days. Not  
>since flash drives are so cheap and hold so much more. I even have one  
>built into an ink pen.
>Jeff M
>On Nov 8, 2007, at 11:43 AM, mike wrote:
>>I got one of these at newegg for 15 dollars I believe.  Only reason I
>>needed it was to get the RAID drivers on my machine at home.  But when
>>you gotta have it...well you know.
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