Why should I have to get used to IE7. It's only a browser... something that should be transparently invisible. When I borrow a friends car, do I have to go on an "easter egg hunt" to find the turn signal, brake, gas pedal,, steering wheel, or dashboard so I can pop down to the store to buy some groceries?

Glad to hear IE7 is more standards compliant, but it seems to be a EVER so typical MS product. Pretty much cut from the same cloth as the technically improved (fixed past mistakes) but EVER so much a poorly designed and unnecessary pain in the butt as VISTA. With it's upgrades, MS seems to just fix one set of problems, only to replace them with another set.


Tom Piwowar wrote:
Microsoft is pushing its Internet Explorer 7 pretty hard and through touting free phone tech support for the change seems to be implying that the transition from 6 to 7 might not be transparent.

The reason is under the hood. The main reason to upgrade to IE7 is that IE6 was seriously defective in terms of W3C standards compliance, especially when it came to CSS. There were 100s of things wrong and web developers had to use a long list of hacks to work around the bugs. The hacks had become so standard that they even had names (like the Holly Hack or Peekaboo Bug -- google on those to get an idea of what I'm describing). Web developers were thrilled by IE7 because it was much more, but not completely, standards compliant. With IE 7 building a web page is much less like walking through a minefield. With IE 7 developers can start seriously using CSS and focus less on hacks and more on developing better websites.

But the community can't move forward if brain-dead Windows users continue to cling to defective old IE 6.

Looking at stats, about a third of IE users quickly switched. The remaining IE 6 users did not. Currently the adoption rate is very slow. This is possibly because IE 7 is being associated with that dog of an OS, Vista. I think this is unfair because it looks to me like the group developing IE 7 is atypical for MS and really knows what it is doing. IE 7 works much better than IE 6.

IE 7 has many security improvements over IE 6. I suspect many of the complaints about IE 7 are because it no longer does many stupid things that IE 6 did. From a security standpoint, I consider using IE 6 simply foolish.

The user interface is a bit stark, but everything you need is there. It just takes some getting used to.

All this said, I use FireFox most of the time. I find it more standards compliant, more secure, and all around better.

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