It's not an issue with your ISP, it's that you have way too much time on
your hands. Bookmark the site using the correct full address and always use

On Dec 12, 2007 9:23 AM, Steve Rigby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   Perhaps someone can explain this to me.  I want to get to a certain
> site on the internet.  If I enter the full URL, for instance
> I can get to the site every time.  Or, if I drop
> the "http://"; portion and use only I can still get there.
> But if I use only, I sometimes cannot get there, and my
> browser keeps grinding away, informing me that it is looking up the URL
> until a dialog box finally appears telling me that the URL cannot be
> found.  However, a bit later in the day if I again use only,
> it will work just fine.
>   I am suspecting a DNS issue with my ISP.  Perhaps they are accessing
> one or more domain name servers during the course of a day, and one or
> more are not up to date.  Anyone have a thought on this to share?

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