That is also what I had to do with my DSL modem (Westel) and it worked like a charm afterwards.

You have to find the right tech person to help you, or look up the settings in the book.


At 07:43 AM 12/13/2007, you wrote:
I had a similar situation and I was able to put the DSL modem into bridge mode and bypass its router/firewall functions entirely. Of course, I had my own router/firewall I used in its place. Finding out how to get the modem into bridge mode did take some research.

on Wed, 12 Dec, Paula Minor wrote:
The box with my DSL ATT stuff arrived today and I"m not sure I'm
going to even try to install it.  I hadn't realized that their modem
was also the wireless box.  I have NO intention of redoing my
wireless network again.

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