If you reprogrammed your AirPort router to log you in via the DSL modem 
it will no longer have the settings to connect you through the cable 
modem. So, no, it is not as simple as just moving the wire from the DSL 
modem to the cable modem.

If you were getting just a fraction of the data rate you were supposed to 
be getting and after downgrading your service to a lower rate you are 
only getting a fraction of the new lower rate, I woule suspect a problem 
with the line. You may have a high percentage of NACs so are losing 
bandwidth to packets that have to be resent.

Did you try the tests we were playing with the other week?


>I decided to go ahead and set up the ATT DSL and see if I liked it.
>I had signed up for the "elite" service which was to give me up to  
>6000kb/s.  Of course she didn't tell me "up to" but said I'd get 6000  
>kb/s.  I managed to figure out how to turn off the wireless in the  
>ATT modem so I could continue to use my Apple Airport Extreme. It  
>took me all day and part of the evening but I finally had all the  
>computers in the house connected and everyone getting their  
>email...no small thing for me as we get mail from multiple sources  
>and none of them initially would come in with their old settings.  My  
>husband who is totally tech ignorant was ranting and raving something  
>about why can't I just leave things alone. ;-)  So it was a tense day  
>to say the least but I did get it all figured out.  Then I started  
>testing the speed I was getting and it was waaaay below what she said  
>I would get and was paying extra for...I was only getting 3000 kb/s.   
>She said I should get between 3500 to 6000 kb/s and that maybe I  
>should just downgrade to the next lowest level whose high speed was  
>3000 kb/s so I'd get the fastest  level of that. OK. I did so.
>Then a few hours later, I was running more tests and the speed was  
>only 1200 to 2200 kb/s in a level that was to guarantee me  
>1500-3000.  From the reading I was doing on DSLreports, it appears  
>they can "turn up and down" your speed remotely?  So would they  
>deliberately make it so you only got the bottom of the level you paid  
>for?  Would threatening to cancel make them give me what I paid for?
>Jim just came out and told me that some video clips that he had been  
>able to play before now tell him that we don't have enough speed for  
>them to play correctly....and they play very jerky. He's definitely  
>not happy and neither am I.  I feel like we're getting jerked around  
>with this speed thing.
>So, I decided to hook the comcast cable back up and unplug the dsl.   
>The cable modem shows activity but I can no longer connect to the  
>internet.  I even turned off the wireless and plugged the cable  
>directly into the Mac Pro.....shows ethernet is on but no connection.  
>Then I plugged it directly into my laptop....same thing.  So the  
>cable, which had been working just fine is now useless and the DSL is  
>too slow for what we need it to do.
>Besides just bitching and unloading my frustration on here, I am  
>asking for some simple explanation of how these two forms of internet  
>connection work differently and how I can go about getting the cable  
>modem to go back out to the 'net again.  Do I have to get down on my  
>knees and cry and beg Comcast to come fix it and promise never to  
>cheat on them again?  Can you not have both DSL and cable connections  
>in the same house even if on separate machines?
>I'm sitting here in Broadband Hell , watching the freezing rain fall  
>on the 1" of snow we got this a.m. and feeling sorry for myself.  I  
>have to stop and remember that Tulsa has had no electricity for a  
>week and are getting bombarded yet again.  So feel free to smack me  
>upside the head and tell me to get over it! <g>
>But if you can get my cable to work again on even one machine I'd be  
>soooo grateful.

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