At 7:27 PM -0500 12/14/07, Stephen Brownfield wrote:

Should I upgrade to iTunes 7.5 from iTunes 6.0.4? I've been happy with 6.0.4. If I upgrade is there anything I need to look out for?
I have a Mac running 10.4.11 and an iPod mini.

If it works for you , and there is no reason to upgrade (such as, a new device, like an iPhone, or a new "killer" feature), then don't bother.

I usually do upgrade, as a matter of personal policy, and as a result, I've run into a problem with converting files from AIFF to AAC or MP3. The conversion gets to the end, and an error dialog pops up, claiming it is unable to read from or write to the disk. This occurs on both 10.3.9 and 10.4.11.
Lovettsville, VA

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