I think you sent this to me, instead of to cgz.  

when I fly, i want to kill as much sound as possible.  i use shure isolation 
phones.  I cannot hear pilot or FA announcemsnts.  cannot hear those damned 
babies crying or those asshole conversations for hours on end.  i usually fly 
transatlantic, and would like to get 8 hrs sleep.

Bose made super noise reduction headphones for the people(rutan?) to do the 
around the world nonstop in a carbon phonebooth.  noise levels were apparantly 
extremely high.

normal NR headphones suck because they do not seal well, and they are hot as 
hell.  an amazingly high percentage of one's heat dump is through the ears.



At 11:40 PM 12/31/2007, you wrote:
>Fortunately or otherwise ( ;-) ), I still have most of my hearing. My 
>occasional job requires this as an audio technician. I use a great pair of 
>headphones for fieldwork which also work great at home. They block out the 
>external noise as described below. Remote Audio HN-7506 headphones:
>Richard P.
>Eric  wrote:
>>>Most of us have ears that are somewhat damaged and they will only be getting 
>>>worse as time goes by. So for a personal music collection it would be silly 
>>>to use any technology that is better than what one can hear.
>>I never spent a lot of time at rock concerts in my younger days, actually
>>I'm not very fond of much rock,  anyway.  I'm also an occasional
>>shooter (firearms not films), and hearing protection is a huge issue in
>>that community.  I have several hearing protection devices, the best of
>>which is actively compensated in such a way that you can hear a normal
>>conversation but not the impulse noise of a gunshot.  That would work
>>well at a rock concert, because the degree of attenuation is adjustable.
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