At 04:14 PM 1/5/2008, you wrote:
>Now I just need a larger card. My 512mb ain't  
>going to cut it if I decide to start taking movies. Panasonic  
>recommends a 10mb high speed card, what ever that is. Anyway, this  
>camera has more features 

sdhc for the player, coach and fan:

I have an fz18 and the sdhc card works in it.  I do not know what  max sized 
card it will address.

it requires a unique reader to connect to the usb port.  best buy was selling a 
4 gig and a reader for very reasonable price.

there is another family of cards, the extreme.  sandisk is one of the makers. I 
cannot find information on that card, other than it can exceed the 4 gig sd 
limit, and is very fast.

searching is one way to find low priced memory cards.  do not 
know if it is the best way.

the fz18 produces right decent pictures for an overblown point and shoot 

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