I don't see what's wrong.  "1. Press 'Enter' to continue with the 
installation." seems to be the correct choice, i.e., just proceed.  What, 
explicitly, happens when you do it?  How does it "not work"?

If you are expecting to load a third-party (Adaptec) disk/host adapter driver, 
what's the source of your installation disk?  If it came with the machine from 
a major manufacturer, the necessary driver may have been added to the XP 
installation disk.  Or if the XP installation disk has SP-2 slipstreamed into 
the installation, your Adaptec driver may already be there.  Adaptec drivers 
that existed at the time the installation disc content was finalized are surely 
included on the XP installation disc.

The second instance of an option to repair a previous installation is different 
from the first one.  I don't know what the difference is in technical terms, 
but I have had an instance of trying to repair a Win2000 installation, where 
the first option to repair did not work but the second one did.

With my experience in installing XP (a couple of times), if the hard disk is 
"not understood" by the installation process, you are prompted for a driver 
disc (to put in the floppy drive) whether or not you have answered the prompt 
to press F-3.

If your installation disc is defective (can't be read), it should either let 
you know with an error message, or keep trying in which the drive light will 
tell you it is trying but you don't get any progress.

Fred Holmes

At 09:43 PM 1/30/2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>I have 147GB U320 SCSI HD w/ an AHA-39320A-R Host Adapter.  I have no problem 
>formatting the drive with the SCSI utility but, when I try to install XP Pro, 
>I get a message giving me three choices:
>1. Press 'Enter' to continue with the installation
>2. Press 'R' to repair a previous installation
>3. Press 'F3' to exit.
>So far(not here) I have been told to press:
>1. 'ESC' so it ignores all that
>2. 'F12' presumably to see if the drivers are loading properly
>3. 'F2' to initiate the ASR during the setup process
>4. 'F6' to load a driver from an outside source
>None of that has worked.  I beginning to wonder if my XP Pro Setup disc is 
>Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
>P.S. I recently upgraded my RAM from 512MB to, 1GB.  That upgrade went fine 
>but, could that have adversely affected XP? 

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