In going back and checking the logs I saw that yesterday, AVG also found what it says was a Trojan horse in: C:\Program Files\music_now\inetchk.exe and deleted it. I was able to search and see that MusicNow is part of AOL (I never installed AOL but is probably sitting on the computer as part of a preloaded program). If it has to do with AOL, it probably would be seen as a hazard but I'm just guessing.

I don't know how AVG does it's detection process.

Richard P.

Does AVG detect virus based on a heuristic model where it finds Virus
like behaviors.  It may not know which virus it is but it knows it is
acting like a virus.

I believe that NOD32 and Blink find things this way as well as by definitions.
This morning, AVG scan found what it says is a trojan horse downloader.
When I asked for more details, it said it didn't exist in its database.
I went ahead and healed it but wonder what it is and whether or not it
is a false positive.

AVG Free Edition Resident Shield
Threat Detected!
While opening file:
C:\System Volume
Trojan horse Downloader.VB.AXO

It also found a change, file: shell32.dll in C:\WINDOWS\system32\shell32.dll

I haven't been able to find any real info on the trojan. Any input will
be greatly appreciated.

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