InDesign will open PageMaker files quite well. PM to Quark requires a 
conversion program from Markzware.

The MS products are really quite limited, but will work for very basic 
needs. However, there are several programs that meet basic needs, costing 
about $50, that are superior to the MS offering.

>Right now I do a couple of pro bono news letters for non-profits in
>PageMaker on a Mac. I'm leaving the area and I'm looking for a
>successor. I want to write a job description listing hardware and
>applications and alternatives. I know that there Windows versions of
>PageMaker, Quark, and InDesign. Would someone using any of those
>programs be able to take my document and files and build on it for
>subsequent issues. If that's not possible. what are the Microsoft
>Office programs that could turn out an acceptable newsletter? Th

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