Brian Jones wrote:

This is the fastest way to propagate bad or erroneous information around the world.

  - Brian
Well maybe the easiest, the fastest is to believe anything you get from or their source, The swell LDS
folks.   (Which is free by the way)

In the 1880 census the Mormons have my great uncle as head of household rather than my great grandad, The whole families name is spelled Davies not Davis, my granpa went from Emory to Lenary, and the two neighbors down the holler are included in the household. A good look at the microfiche (GIF) of the original will sort out everything except the Davies, but the only way they except changes is with a gedcom file. They won't go back and look at their own transcription and fix it.

Off topic now but what I have learned in the last few weeks is that transcribed public records are full of errors. As well as newspaper articles incorrect at gitgo. You have to take every thing with a grain until it can be verified from another source.
I am amazed how much info is out there on line for free.

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