OK, I tried reading thru T.D. 9375 from the link, but it is heavy reading. Could someone who is concerned about these changes, explain which items bother them and why? I.e., in what way would my tax return be made public without my consent?

David Chessler wrote:
At 02:50 PM 2/20/2008, b_s-wilk wrote:
David, do you  have a better link for this? This link goes to "Page Not
Found". Almost every day reveals another outrage from the Bush administration. It will help to find out the details of this one.

Again from Farber's list:

Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 3:42 PM
To: David Farber
Subject: Re: [IP] Re: Bush's IRS Wants to Make Your Tax Returns Public

Greetings Dave,

It should be noted that the "proposed" regulations discussed were
issued in 2005.

They have already been finalized and are law (though most of the
regulations don't take effect until Jan.2009)

Summary, links at:

On 2/20/08, David Farber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ________________________________________
> From: John Levine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 1:20 PM
> To: David Farber
> Cc: Lars Poulsen
> Subject: Re: [IP] Re: Bush's IRS Wants to Make Your Tax Returns Public
> >Nobody should be surprised at this. Frankly, I have been suspicious
> >ever since I saw "free online tax-preparation" offered on the net.
> >It is obvious that if an address of a homeowner is worth $5 to
> >marketers, then a complete form 1040 is worth at least $50.
> It is my impression that the main impetus for the free online tax prep
> is to sell people overpriced refund anticipation loans, a variant of
> payday loans.  My local credit union offers free tax prep in person,
> to deflect people from the H+R Block refund loans and to encourage
> people to put their refunds in savings accounts and build some assets.
> Selling the info to marketers is gravy.
> Regards,
> John Levine, [EMAIL PROTECTED], Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet for Dummies", > Information Superhighwayman wanna-be, http://www.johnlevine.com, ex-Mayor
> "More Wiener schnitzel, please", said Tom, revealingly.

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