No matter which camera you choose, don't be lured into thinking that bright lighting near your house will make you safer. It makes you less safe because the light makes it easier to find the best way to break into your house. Using motion sensor lights--several of them in different locations, and different intensities--works better, is kinder to your neighbors, costs less and doesn't contribute so much to light pollution, at least that's what a police detective friend told me [he also said not to drive a red sports car too fast because it's the most likely to be seen and ticketed].

At the street, it's a different story.

Are there street lights?

Some people around here have their mailboxes set in concrete. Hitting them will cause a lot of damage to anything but a very large truck. They've done it to protect their mailboxes from the snow plows! Most side mirrors fold flat against a car or truck. It's a pain to remember to fold it down when you park, but it's harder to break off that way. Of course that might make the vandals mad enough to put a brick through your windshield.


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