I have had for Verizon DSL for about six years now. Pretty much I have had
no problem with the service.

A little over a year and a half ago I changed my phone service to Vonage but
kept the Verizon DSL.

The DSL service has continued to work fine, but what I am paying for my DSL
is still the same as back then, roughly $39 a year. When I called Verizon to
drop my price to the lower prices that are charging now, the customer
service line was I was not eligible for the lower price because I had what
they called a dry loop line (or something like that) and not a Verizon phone

Can anyone confirm this as a likely fact, or does it sound as if that is
untrue or the customer service rep simply doesn't know what they were
talking about?

I really do NOT want to change my service to Comcast and cable/modem as I
have DirecTV and don't need both.

Thanks in advance for answers.

Chris in DC

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