The hard drive in my iBook died. I'm trying to start from an external hard drive that has a fully operational OS X on it, but during start up it gets stuck with the message "waiting for local disks". By this I'm assuming it's waiting for the internal hard drive to be recognized, which it ain't going to do. The thing is stuck solid. I've heard the clicking for the last month or so, but being a side machine I don't use that often, I've put it off. Now I'm on a quest to get this thing working from the external, without having to pull the machine apart and physically disconnect the internal hard drive. How do I get the machine to start from the external and ignore the internal, or "local disks"? Just a thought here, I'm assuming by the term "local disks" it is referring to the internal hard drive. What else could it mean? I've got nothing else connected to the machine.

Jeff M

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