>Who said anything about nationalization?  How about a little
>"Eurosocialist" regulation?  I'd be happy to have some of their
>broadband service, and their Eurosocialist prices.

When A technological business gets taken over by non-technologists out to 
make a quick buck this is what happens. Not content to merely do damage 
on Wall Street and banking these crooks branched out. So not only are 
large numbers of Americans being evicted from their homes, but we now 
have a broken health care system, high energy prices, contaminated food 
stuffs, and a second-rate telecomminications system. But you know, the 
money for those $100,000,000 salaries (plus bonuses) has to come from 
somewhere. And they figured they would have retired to the Cayman Islands 
before people figured out exactly how much damage they did.

Eurosocialism says that no person is worth 1000 times more than any 
another person and such a disparity in paychecks is wrong. Letting things 
go so far wrong has ruined our economy. We don't need retroactive 
immunity as much as we need retroactive taxes. This needs to be put right.

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