> On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 11:00 AM, Ralph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > Now that I've overcome my problem with locking myself out of the XP
>> >  side of my MacBook Pro, I'm pretty much enjoying it.  However, I do
>> >  miss the what-do-you-call-it keypad.  Pg-Up, Pg-dwn, Home, End,
>> > Delete-right, etc. I see that the MacBook Pro has Page-up, Page-down,
>> >  Home, and End keys, but haven't figured out yet how to make them work
>> >  under XP (where they move one character at a time.)
>> >  Ralph

My MacBook has a function [fn] key on the lower left of the keyboard. Some keys have tiny characters indicating alternate uses. The trackpad can be used for scrolling by using two fingers. You can remap simple commands/functions with the Keyboard & Mouse System Preference, or remap everything in the Terminal.

Page up = fn + up arrow
Page down = fn + down arrow
Home = fn + left arrow
End = fn + right arrow
Delete right = fn + delete

There's a full numeric keypad in the middle right of the keyboard, and a num lock key. Get out your magnifying glass to see the numbers. Page 33: http://manuals.info.apple.com/en/MacBook_Pro_Users_Guide.pdf <--read the manual! Or this manual--> http://manuals.info.apple.com/en/MacBookPro_Early2008_UserGuide.pdf.

I remember using something with keyboard101 in Windows to completely remap the keyboard. I don't know where it is in XP but it's probably buried there somewhere--and it may not work on the MBP. Try Input Remapper instead, http://www.olofsson.info/index.html?inputremapper.html along with Apple Mouse Utility, http://www.geocities.com/matroxfiles/


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